The National Conference of Law Enforcement Emerald Societies (NCLEES) was established in 1995. NCLEES is registered as a non-profit organization with the Internal Revenue Service and is incorporated in the state of Maryland. The objectives of the National Conference of Law Enforcement Emerald Societies are:ยท To Unite all public safety Emerald Societies in order to develop fraternalism amongst its members.
Membership is extended to any bona fide Law Enforcement or public safety Emerald Society with at least fifty (50) members. The governing body of the NCLEES consists of a nine (9) person Executive Board from across the country and a Board of Directors in which each member organization, regardless of size, has one (1) representative. There are also standing committees which include: Activities, By-Laws, Communications, Education, Fund Raising, International Liaison, Legislative, Memorial March, Pipeband, Scholarship, and Recruitment. |
NOTICE TO ALL NCLEES MEMBER ORGANIZATIONS: If this is your first visit to the new website, please complete the application process and pay for your current membership dues. Any questions, please contact the webmaster via email at: ncleeswebmaster@gmail.com
Also Please Note: At this time, ONLY 1 person, per Member Organization, shall complete the registration and have access for their organization and that person shall be the President or his/her Designee.