Officers of the Executive Board are elected by representatives of NCLEES Member organizations
and serve a term of three (3) years. The Executive Board for 2023-2026 are:
Robert Kearns
Jersey City (NJ) Police Emerald Society
First Vice President
Sean McCarthy
Boston (MA) Police Emerald Society
Second Vice President
Andrew Hale
St. Louis (MO) Police Emerald Society
Third Vice President
Joe Smith
Pittsburg (PA) Emerald Society
Executive Director
Michael Pitcher
Nassau County (NY) Emerald Society
John Rowley
Essex County (NJ) Police & Fire Emerald Society
Recording Secretary
Cynthia Schultz
Jersey City (NJ) Police Emerald Society
Financial Secretary
Mark Matthews
Atlanta (GA) Police Emerald Society
Sergeant at Arms
Brian P. Burke
San Francisco (CA) Bay Area Law Enforcement Emerald Society
Appointed positions
Legal Counsels to NCLEES: Tim Kerr NYPD-ES
Chaplain of NCLEES: Steve Sansevre-Jersey City-ES
The duties of the Executive Board are outlined in the NCLEES By Laws.
The specific duties of each officer are available to member organizations which can be found here.