Attention Police Week Pipe Bands!
There are new procedures for :
1. Pipers and drummers that want to participate in the Capitol Steps on Friday, May 15, 2024
MUST give the following:
Full Name
Date of Birth
Social Security #
Pipe Band Name
2. Only pipers and drummers will be allowed in the inner perimeter- are cleared through the US Capitol Police
3. US Capitol Police will have a master list at the staging and entry point.
4. That is where the passes will be given out. If a piper is not on the list they will not be allowed in the i inner perimeter.
5. NCLEES has been tasked will getting the piper information
6. NCLEES Pipeband Committee will assist in gathering the information.
7. NO WEAPONS ALLOWED (Knives, Claymores, Swords, Skin-Dus, etc.)
Department issued service weapons with Active Duty credentials and Driver's License
The cut off for the list is Monday April 15, 2024
contact: Chris Jackson: wdcrppb@gmail.com